Sunday, August 28, 2011

Visiting friends in Midland...

In late July, we had our first home leave back to Midland. The boys (and the parents too) were so excited to see family and friends while we were back for our 2.5-week visit.

The day after we arrived, we were thrilled to go to a barbeque hosted by Jen and Tim Beach (THANKS SO MUCH!). We got a chance to catch up with Beachs, Gunns, Fordneys, Southmayds, McDonalds, and Beeckmans. Unfortunately, I was so busy talking and watching kids that I forgot to snap any pictures. Regardless, the kids had fun swimming until dark, followed by playing hide-and-seek after dark.

The funniest thing was, as we got ready to leave, Alex noticed the stars...and commented about how the big dipper was in the Beach's front yard. Jen's comment was, "I didn't know my front yard was THAT big!". The sad reality of it is, you don't really see many stars in Shanghai because of the smog and all the lights. We all made sure to make a wish on one of the stars.

On the first Monday back, we met up with some friends (Andrew, Jacob, G-ho for Alex, Ben for Derek) at the Plymouth Pool for an afternoon swim. It was great to stay cool and visit with even more friends...

Alex, Andrew, Jacob and G-Ho...

Ben and Derek hit the slides...

Staying cool on the side of the pool...

Derek takes a flying leap into the deep...


Alex loves the water slides!

The boys were sad to have to leave, but they had such fun with their friends. Perhaps this will have to be an annual thing...

and the adventure continues...

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